If you have decided you want to end your marriage, you are going to have to tell your spouse. The thought of doing it may be terrifying, which is why you might, like many others, put it off. While nothing can make this task easy, there are a few things that can...
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Year: 2023
Can I get temporary child custody before the divorce hearing?
Even if a couple’s marriage can no longer be restored, family courts try to maintain each parent’s relationship with their child by considering both their rights when determining child custody. Courts carefully examine various factors during their determination, which...
Will our marital home be subject to divorce property division?
When a couple gets divorced, both spouses may be concerned about what will happen to their most treasured possessions. For many couples, the family home is the most important asset they have due to its financial and sentimental value. Divorcing couples may decide to...
What should you consider when making a joint custody schedule?
Divorcing parents who want to share the right to raise their children can make joint custody schedules where the child takes turns to live with each of them. There’s a lot involved when making a custody schedule. Parents may need to consider the following as they plan...
Understanding a “custody neutral assessment”
Not all soon-to-be ex-couples want to endure an often expensive and demanding litigation process. Some choose to exhaust all amicable options before bringing their case before a judge. However, mediation may still fail to resolve high-conflict issues sometimes. In...
What happens if my ex violates a restraining order in New Jersey?
Even after the issuance of a restraining order, domestic violence victims fear running across their abusers, thinking that the latter would retaliate because of the request for a protective order. Sadly, some restrained persons violate the court issuance against them...
Can I offset my pension against other assets during the divorce?
Negotiating a division of property with an ex-partner can be tricky. While you have to maintain an amicable attitude and show willingness to compromise, you must also develop strategies that would provide you with the most favorable outcome. For instance, if you are...
Is my military divorce affected by where I am stationed?
You have given your life to military service, including your marriage. As a result, if you divorce while in military service, it will be governed by military family law. However, if you are considering divorce, you likely want to know whether your station’s location...
Is New Jersey a 50/50 custody state?
One of the most challenging things about separating from a partner or divorcing your spouse is fighting for custody of the child you had together. As a parent, you would want your child with you always. However, New Jersey considers the rights of both parents in any...
Can a domestic abuser get custody or visitation rights?
Child custody cases vary, and courts review several factors, including any history of domestic violence, to decide custody and visitation arrangements for each case. Understandably, most domestic violence victims deal with anxiety and worry that their abuser might get...