When dividing marital property in a New Jersey divorce, courts strive for an equitable or fair division rather than a 50/50 split. Various factors are considered to determine a just division, including each spouse's contribution to the marriage. Your contribution to...
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Is divorce from bed and board a substitute for legal separation?
For many couples who can no longer cohabitate, severing all marital ties is still not an option. Some states offer an official legal separation process, allowing spouses to stay married but live separate and apart. New Jersey does not offer legal separation. However,...
Reasons to file a motion during a divorce proceeding
For many people, going through a divorce can feel like walking through a maze blindfolded because every turn brings new challenges, and you might wonder when to take action. One powerful tool in your legal arsenal is filing a motion, and knowing how this process can...
What happens to a military spouse’s TRICARE benefits during divorce?
Being married to someone who serves in the military inspires a multitude of challenges. But, being a military spouse also comes with some perks – like TRICARE insurance coverage. Health insurance may not be at the top of your list of concerns right now, if you’re...
What can I do about noncompliance with the divorce order?
Finalizing the divorce may feel like crossing the finish line, but it is often not the end. Life after signing the decree can be just as stressful, if not more. For most people, this period after proceedings can involve financial, emotional and mental adjustments,...
How can addiction affect specific areas of a New Jersey divorce?
Trust is central to maintaining a healthy marriage. Unfortunately, addiction or the strong urge to engage in disruptive behavior can undermine a couple’s confidence in each other and lead to marital ruin. However, the addiction per se may be insufficient for the court...
Tips for breaking the news that you want a divorce
If you have decided you want to end your marriage, you are going to have to tell your spouse. The thought of doing it may be terrifying, which is why you might, like many others, put it off. While nothing can make this task easy, there are a few things that can...
Understanding a “custody neutral assessment”
Not all soon-to-be ex-couples want to endure an often expensive and demanding litigation process. Some choose to exhaust all amicable options before bringing their case before a judge. However, mediation may still fail to resolve high-conflict issues sometimes. In...
Can we resolve the divorce privately?
Many spouses go through divorces the traditional way, through litigation. Understandably, some spouses want to settle the divorce quickly and quietly. Aside from privacy, they can save more time and money than if they went through litigation. The three C’s Parties who...
How can you remedy parenting time issues?
A parent will move mountains for their child. No divorce could block a parent’s love from freely flowing to their child’s warm embrace. But with the emotional intensity of divorce, both spouses must be willing participants in constructing a plan that enables both...