If your alcohol and/or drug abuse issues contributed to the end of your marriage, you’re not alone. Substance abuse is one of the leading causes of divorce. It’s also one of the main reasons why parents lose custody of their children in divorce and may have only...
Experience and Care You Can Rely On
Month: March 2024
How does parallel parenting work?
Adjusting to life after divorce can be challenging, especially when there are unresolved conflicts between parents. If they are on bad terms, it can be difficult to co-parent their child and appropriately follow their parenting time arrangement. Fortunately, there are...
How to introduce a new partner to your kids
You have built a new life after divorce and are now co-parenting with your ex-spouse, which has become your new normal. However, this may change when you start dating. It can be challenging to spend adequate time with a partner when you are following a parenting...
The many facets of domestic violence in New Jersey
Domestic violence doesn’t just refer to physical attacks. It may involve sexual or verbal abuse, which can also include manipulation or emotional damage. It’s a jarring ordeal that affects all types of families, such as couples expecting a child, housemates and former...
Tips for communicating with a co-parent
It’s essential that co-parents find a way to communicate. This is not always easy, as relationships can be messy after a divorce. But if they’re going to be co-parenting and working together to raise their child, this communication is still necessary. If you’re...
Do you need the court’s approval to go through divorce mediation?
Many divorcing spouses lean towards mediation because of the control and privacy it provides. Generally, the courts do not intervene during the process, allowing parties to discuss the divorce issues on their own. Nonetheless, many wonder if they have to receive a go...