Alimony or spousal support can be ordered by a court during a divorce in New Jersey. The goal is to ensure that a former spouse doesn’t endure financial hardship. For instance, if one person works and the other is a stay-at-home parent, the SAH parent may receive...
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Can I request alimony modification in New Jersey?
When deciding on a spousal support amount, courts examine the paying spouse's financial capacity and the dependent spouse's needs. Moreover, courts acknowledge that there may be future changes in the parties’ lives that may affect these factors. Because of this, New...
The role of expert testimony in spousal support determinations
Whether because of the actual legal fees and costs associated with the process itself, or as a result of the lifestyle changes living apart will produce, divorce is frequently a very expensive proposition. Fortunately, when it comes to determinations of spousal...
Understanding the different types of alimony
When New Jersey couples decide to end their marriage, they might not be leaving on equal footing. In some marriages, one party could be earning significantly less than the other or even nothing at all when the marriage ends. However, there is an option for financial...
What are the types of alimony in New Jersey?
New Jersey may award alimony to a person going through a divorce or dissolution of a civil union. There are different types of spousal support to meet the needs of various situations. In some cases, New Jersey may combine more than one type of alimony. Pendente lite...