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How do virtual visits assist parents in the military?

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2024 | FAMILY LAW - Military Family Law

Virtual visitation has become an increasingly vital tool for service members, particularly those who are divorced from their children’s other parent. Maintaining a consistent and meaningful relationship with children can be challenging in the unique circumstances of military life, which often involves long deployments and frequent relocations.

Available technology offers a practical and effective solution to bridge the physical distance. It benefits service members to learn how this can help them stay connected with their children.

Overcoming geographical barriers

Physical visitations can be infrequent for military members stationed far from home or overseas. Virtual visitation, through video calls, instant messaging and email, helps overcome these geographical barriers. Consistent contact is crucial for nurturing the parent-child relationship, offering a sense of normalcy and stability for the children.

Flexibility in communication

Unpredictable schedules and demands are part of the military lifestyle. Virtual visitation provides the flexibility to stay in touch using video calls, sending messages or sharing pictures and videos. This flexibility makes it easier for communication to continue, despite time zone differences.

Co-parenting benefits

Virtual visitation also plays a significant role in effective co-parenting. It lets both parents stay informed and involved in their child’s life. This communication can lead to better understanding and cooperation between the parents, ultimately benefiting the child’s emotional and psychological well-being.

Service members going through divorce proceedings should discuss virtual visitation to determine how to include them in parenting plans. The plan should include all terms of these visits, including that the child and parent should be able to communicate freely without being monitored by the other parent unless the court finds a reason that would require supervision.