Things You Should Know About the Divorce Process
If you are considering divorce, it is important that you take a step back from the emotion of the situation and carefully assess the path you are about to take. While divorce may be inevitable, there are a few things you should know and expect about the process.
At the law offices of Michael J. Stein Attorney At Law, our team walks clients through this process every day, providing clear answers and expectations. We make sure our clients are equipped with the information they need to make the best possible decisions for themselves and their families — decisions that will lay the foundation for their future.
Here are a few things that you should know:
Establishing Child Custody and Support
Many people fear that their spouse will somehow prevent them from seeing the children. Unless there are issues of abuse or danger, the court often makes a concerted effort to make sure the kids spend as much time as possible with both parents.
The judge will work out a system where both parents receive a certain percentage of time with the child and an established schedule for when the child will be with either parent. This includes weekends and holidays. Often one parent has primary custody with the other parent getting visitation. In some cases, the parents may split equal joint custody. The primary focus is always doing what is in the best interests of the child.
Support will be paid to the primary custody parent from the other parent. This amount is based on a specific formula of factors, including income, needs of the child and time spent with the child.
Division of Assets and Debt
During divorce, all assets and debt the couple has acquired during the marriage will be divided in a fair and equitable manner. This doesn’t necessarily mean 50-50, however. One spouse may be granted more of one asset to offset less of another asset or a greater amount of debt.
A skilled property division attorney can help make sure that your rights are protected during this process.
Picking an Attorney for Your Divorce
Make sure that your lawyer is experienced in handling all aspects of divorce. Choose representation who is responsive and dedicated to your case. Michael J. Stein Attorney At Law has dedicated years of service to individuals and families throughout New Jersey, providing customized and focused representation throughout the divorce process, as well as throughout the years that follow.
For more information, call our law offices today at 856-291-0549.